Saturday, October 6, 2007

Seminar on Studies/Scholarships in GermanyLiebe Frau Dr. Raschke,
vielen Dank fÜr Ihren informativen Besuch. Unsere Studenten mÖchten sich bei Ihnen bedanken.

The German Club organized Thursday, Oct 4th from 8h30 to 9h30 pm a seminar about studies in Germany "Etudes en Allemagne: Programmes, Bourses d'Etudes et Perspectives". The club invited a guest from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Dr. Baerbel Raschke, DAAD representative in Morocco, She talked about study opportunities in Germany. ". This was followed by a presentation on the Summer School in Technical University of Munich (TUM) by participants of previous years.

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